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Quick Command Reference

Start the node

docker-compose -f validator.docker-compose.yaml up -d

Stop the node

# 1. kill geth and beacon client (proper shutdown)
docker exec -it mainnet-geth-1 pkill geth
docker exec -it mainnet-beacon-1 pkill beacon-chain

# 2. shutdown the container
docker-compose -f validator.docker-compose.yaml down

Restart the node

# 1. kill geth (proper shutdown)
docker exec -it mainnet-geth-1 pkill geth
docker exec -it mainnet-beacon-1 pkill beacon-chain

# 2. restart the container
docker-compose -f validator.docker-compose.yaml restart

Show Logs

docker logs --tail 10 -f mainnet-geth-1
docker logs --tail 10 -f mainnet-beacon-1
docker logs --tail 10 -f mainnet-validator-1

Connect to Geth

docker exec -it mainnet-geth-1 geth attach

Clean/Reset/Reinitialize the eth1 database

docker exec -it mainnet-geth-1 pkill geth
docker exec -it mainnet-beacon-1 pkill beacon-chain
docker-compose -f $DATADIR/validator.docker-compose.yaml down

docker run -it -v $DATADIR/datadir-eth1:/root/.ethereum -e POD_NAME --entrypoint geth ecredits/node:latest removedb

docker-compose -f $DATADIR/validator.docker-compose.yaml up -d

Import Private Key

docker run --rm -it -v "$datadir/gened/validator_keys":/keys -v "$datadir/datadir-eth2-validator":/root/.lighthouse -v "$passwordpath":/password.cfg --name validatorimport ecredits/lighthouse:latest lighthouse --network $network account validator import --datadir /root/.lighthouse --directory /keys --reuse-password --password-file /password.cfg

  • $datadir/gened/validator_keys points to the directory that holds the the keys.
  • $datadir/datadir-eth2-validator points to the datadir of the validator.
  • $passwordpath":/password.cfg points to the password file.
  • $network should be the same docker network as your beacon node is in.